Hot House Colour

I took myself off to West Dean Gardens to cheer myself up after Frisco’s passing. I always make for their fabulous greenhouses they always have wonderful things to look at.  This greenhouse has a beautiful cherry tree in bloom


Greenhouse Cherry Blossom1-small

Greenhouse Cherry Blossom5-small

In the tropical greenhouse I found the most perfect Coleus I’ve ever seen

Perfect red Coleus-small

Deep red Sedum rosettes


Weird orange flower

Orange flower-small

An espalier Fuchsia!!

Espalier Fuchsia2-small

Espalier Fuchsia1-small


Grape Hyacinths

Grape Hyacinth-small

And of course I found the resident pussycat!! We had a good ten minutes of chin tickling and ear scratching!

West Dean Black Cat4-small


Some little lambs with their mums Look at the waggling tail of the little lamb towards the end! They are a bit far away so you might need a magnifying glass!

Lambs at West Dean Gardens, West Sussex


Linda xx



  1. Beautiful photos. We are so in need of flowers here. Sweet resident cat. Deb

  2. Your photo's are fabulous. Love the pink tree.


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