I Got Me A Ukulele!

I’ve been debating with myself for ages about getting a ukulele. On the negative side I did get images flashing through my mind of George Formby singing “When I’m Cleaning Windows”. I’m even shuddering now thinking of that. However when I saw Garcia playing one on Criminal Minds it put a more positive slant on it. In true Garcia style she had pimped it with rhinestones and although she only got out one line of “Old McDonald Had a Farm” it turned negatives to positives for me.


Garcia - Ukulele


I have a full size vintage acoustic guitar which is just a beautiful work of art and has fantastic tone, but I wanted something smaller to play and when I read Getchen “Gertie” Hirsch’s post on Ukulele Ladies I realised that a ukulele would fit the bill. Plus it is immensely portable, you could stuff it into a large handbag very easily. I have visions of whipping it out for impromptu concerts if I get bored waiting in lines at checkouts or at the post office!

I’ve got a beginner’s one from Amazon. It had a particularly helpful review submitted from a very knowledgeable and funny customer. Also it is purple which is one of my favourite colours so it just had to be! Here she is.




I have christened her “Gertie”. It’ll be a while before I’ll be posting anything on Youtube but I know I’m going to have so much fun with her which is really all I want from a musical instrument. Mind you I would like to learn “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” and I did find an online tutorial for that. So far the Four Mouseketeers have ignored my renderings but did take turns to sit in the box it arrived in.


Here are a few vintage stylish Ukulele Ladies.


Greta Garbo "Torrent" 1925

Greta Garbo



Marilyn Monroe



Lingerie Lady




Linda xx


  1. Hi, I have just found your blog and your post made me smile. Have you seen the British Ukelele Orchestra on youtube? I got to see them live last year, and it was one of the best concerts I have ever seen.

    Julie Q

  2. Thanks Julie. Have just watched The Good, The Bad and The Ugly and Wuthering Heights by the British Ukulele Orchestra on Youtube, absolutely brilliant!! Thank you so much for the heads up.

    Linda xx


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